HBIM: The digital transformation of cultural and existing heritage


Grazianova Maria,Mesaros Peter


BIM, or Building Information Modelling, is the future of architecture, engineering, construction and operations. We very often associate this definition with new buildings, while 80% of buildings in 2050 already exist today. A significant part of them are historical buildings. It is important to know how we can use BIM in this context and how this modern design tool serves to model and manage the unpredictable situations and complexities of historic buildings. The dissimilarity, the difficulty of data exchange between interested parties and therefore the difficulty of standardization is in this regard the challenge to be overcome with older buildings. In connection with architectural heritage, information modelling of heritage buildings is referred to under the name of HBIM, which is a built architecture representation system composed of libraries of semantically structured and parameterized objects. The basic process is the processing of the data in our possession, which are all transferred to a BIM-type model. SCAN to BIM is an operation that allows you to connect a point cloud created by laser scanner or photogrammetry to develop historical building management models that can be used in different application areas: accessibility and improvement, archival documentation research, conservation and visualization of cultural heritage, reconstruction and management of heritage, artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR).The purpose of the paper is to provide an basic overview of the concept of HBIM. The contribution provides a brief overview of the regulatory framework and an overview of the methodology and workflow in the mentioned area with the appropriate conclusions.


EDP Sciences


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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