Insilico docking studies of daidzeion compounds as selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERMS) breast cancer


Suryani Yani,Taupiqurrohman Opik,Rikani Ai,Paujiah Epa


The aims of this study to analyze the potential of daidzein compounds as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) compared with 17-β estradiol. SERMs is a compound that can be used as a anticancer of breast cancer. The process of analysis is done computation, that is molecular docking. The research was conducted at Data Processing Laboratory of Department of Biology Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in December 2017 until February 2018. The result of analysis showed that daidzein compounds have excellent potential as SERMs. This is indicated by the very low energy value of binding affinity of Deidzein (-9.4 kcal / mol) compared to17-β estradiol (-8.9 kcal / mol). The smallest of energy binding affinity value indicates a very high binding ability.


EDP Sciences


General Medicine

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