Rahim Robbi,Kurniasih Nuning,Pohan Nurmaliana,Sriadhi S,Listyorini Tri,Nanuru Ricardo Freedom,Manurung Rosida Tiurma,Najmurrokhman Asep,Hasibuan Abdurrozzaq,Abdullah Dahlan,Napitupulu Darmawan
Many public cryptography schemes rely on the use of prime numbers like for encryption and decryption. A prime number is one number that is widely used and large and consists of hundreds of digits, so it takes time to test whether the numbers are prime or not. Miller-Rabin is one algorithm that could be used to test prime number. Simulation to show how to test non-prime number elimination process can be used to determine the workings of the Miller-Rabin algorithm and also could be used as a media learning for students and lecturers to know how prime number test and generation.