1. Radzevich S.P., Theory of Gearing: Kinematics, Geometry, and Synthesis, 2nd Edition, revised and expanded, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2018, 934 pages. [First Edition: Radzevich, S.P., Theory of Gearing: Kinematics, Geometry, and Synthesis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2012, 743 pages].
2. Radzevich S.P., "A Brief Overview on the Evolution of the Scientific Theory of Gearing: A Preliminary Discussion". In: Proceedings of International Conference on Gears 2015, October 5-7, 2015, Technische Universität München (TUM), Garching (near Munich), Germany, 2015, pp.1035-1046.
3. Camus C.-É.-L., "Sur la figure des dents des rouës, et des ai les des pignons, pour rendre les horloges plus parfaites", 1733.
4. Euler L., De Optissima Figura Rotarum Dentibus Tribuenda. In: Novi Commentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae, 1750, pp. 119-135.