1. Multilevel Control System of the Power Grid
2. Shevchenko V.A. Development and research of system of automatic control by the synchronous generator // Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2013.
3. Pshikhopov V.K., Fedotov A.A., Medvedev M.Yu., Medvedeva T.N., Gurenko B.V. Position-trajectory system of direct adaptive control marine autonomous vehicles // 2014the 4th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering - Summer, WCSE 2014.
4. Pshikhopov V.K., Medvedev M.Y., Gurenko B.V. Homing and docking autopilot design for autonomous underwater vehicle // Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014. Т. 490–491. С. 700–707.
5. Pshikhopov V.Kh., Medvedev M.Yu., Gaiduk A.R., Gurenko B.V. Сontrol system design for autonomous underwater vehicle // Proceedings - 2013 IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium, LARS 2013 2013. С. 77–82.