Study on Phytoconstituents and Antimicrobial Potential of Sapindus mukorossi Fruit Extract


parcha Versha,


Sapindus mukorossiis well known for its folk medicinal values. The fruit is valued for the saponins (10.1%) present in the pericarp which constitutes up to 56.5% of the drupe known for inhibiting tumour cell growth. Recently many of the pharmacological actions of this plant have been explored which include the antimicrobial molluscicidal and insecticidal actions.Thefruitsareofconsiderableimportancefor their medicinal value for treatingseveraldiseaseslikeexcessivesalivation,pimples,epilepsy,chlorosis,migranes, eczemaand psoriasis etc.The powdered seeds are employed in the treatment ofdentalcaries, arthritis,commoncold, constipation and nausea. Keeping in view the medicinal importance of the fruit, it was thought worthwhile to carry out systematic study on phytochemical investigation and antimicrobial potential of fruit extract of Sapindus mukorossi.Fruit were dried, powdered and extracted with differentsolventsystemswithincreasingpolarity. The extracts were screened for the antibacterialandantifungalactivity.Predominance of antibacterial activity was observed at dose level of 50μg/ml of petroleum ether extract. Maximum zone of inhibition (19mm)&(18mm)wasobservedagainstSalmonellatyphiiand Shigelladysenteriarespectively as compared to standard drug Ampicillin20μg/ml.Sinceantibacterialactivity was observed in 50μg/ml concentration of petroleum ether extract, it was chosen forexploringitsantifungalpotentialalso.Maximum zone of inhibition was observed against Aspergillus sulfurous as compared to standard drug ketoconazole 20μg/ml. From the above study, it could be concluded that Sapindus mukorossipetroleum ether fruit extracts(50μg/ml) have good antimicrobial potential and can be explored further to isolate active principlesfrom the same.


Phytochemistry and Ayurveda Society

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