1. Mary Ritter Beard,Woman as Force in History(New York,1946),vi.
2. Mary R. Beard,On Understanding Women(New York,1931),32. See alsoNancy F. Cott, ed.A Woman Making History: Mary Ritter Beard through Her Letters(New Haven, Conn.,1991),1–62.
3. See for instance the chapters on early America inMary R. Beard,America through Women's Eyes(New York,1933),1–87. By modern pioneers I mean historians Lois Green Carr and Lorena Walsh, Nancy Cott, Mary Maples Dunn, Linda K. Kerber, Mary Beth Norton, Marylynn Salmon, Carole Shammas, and Deborah Gray White.
4. Joan Wallach Scott,Gender and the Politics of History, rev. ed. (New York,1999),15–53;Judith M. Bennett,History Matters: Patriarchy and the Challenge of Feminism(Philadelphia,2006),19.
5. Kathleen M. Brown,Good Wives, Nasty Wenches, and Anxious Patriarchs: Gender, Race, and Power in Colonial Virginia(Chapel Hill, N.C.,1996),33.