Legalność amerykańskich ataków lotniczych na ISIS w Iraku i Syrii jako reakcja na zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego


Szpak Agnieszka1


1. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


The aim of the articleis to present the threatcaused by a terroristorganization– IslamicState of Iraq and Syria to internationalsecurity and to Americaninterests and nationals in particular as well as American airstrikes as a specialkind of reaction to thisasymmetricaldanger. The keyissueis the legalityof US actions on the territory of Iraq and Syria. Iraq’scaseis not as controversialas Syria’sbecauseIraqconsented to American airstrikes and isclearlycooperatingon the ground. The moreproblematicis, however, the case of Syria. IsthisStatewilling and able to cooperate and react to the ISIS threat? Can the USAignoreanoffer of cooperationwhen one ismade? Whatifthereis no consenton the part of the Syriangovernment? The authorattempts to answerallthesequestionsusinginternationallegalrules on the right to self-defence, includingpreventive and collectiveself-defence as well as American test of a State (hereSyria) being “unwillingorunable” to react as a precondition to useforceevenwithout the consent of such a State.


Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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