Granice mocy wiążącej wyroków karnych w postępowaniu cywilnym


Koper Radosław1


1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


The paper is a study of binding force of criminal court’s judgement in civil proceedings, related to issue of applying of the article 11 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The aim of the paper is an attempt to delineate model boundaries of binding of criminal court’s judgement in civil proceedings, in connection with applicaton of such relevant legal regulation. The author focuses on the presentation of the most important threads arising from need to take into account factual situation related to commission of a criminal offence contained in a conviction. The existing normative regulation has been examined and its defects identified. The analysis is connected with consideration of such complex problem from the point of view of recent changes in the amending concerning criminal proceedings and criminal law too. Gathering the tesis specified in article, the author notes that regulation mentioned above doesn’t create legal rule on the clear scope of application


Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

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