Rejestr sprawców przestępstw seksualnych. Uwagi na tle ustawy z dnia 13 maja 2016 r. o przeciwdziałaniu zagrożeniom przestępczością na tle seksualnym


Mierzwińska-Lorencka Joanna1




The article discusses on the Act on counteracting threats of sexual offences. It introduces to the Polish legal system the Registry of Sex Offenders in a version with a limited access and a version available to the public. Criticising the adopted solutions, the author point out the lack of integration with other interventions conducted in Poland against sex offenders, noncompliance with the recommendations of the most important expert circles in the field. The summary emphasises that access to information contained in the registry of limited access will increase the safety of children, especially in those areas where the authorities of the state or local government shall perform activities related to the wider education, treatment or care of minors. However, it should be connected with the organization of a wide range of preventive measures. From the other side the public registry will contribute to increasing public concerns and will be associated with the negative consequences for the perpetrators, and often their families, and the victims themselves. There is certainly an effective instrument that can be used countering threats of crime against sexual abuse.


Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Reference41 articles.

1. Banaszak B., Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Komentarz, Warszawa 2012.

2. Banaszak B., Prawo konstytucyjne, Warszawa 2010.

3. Berent M., Bojarski M., Komentarz do art. 202 KK, [w:] M. Filar (red.), Kodeks karny. Komentarz, Warszawa 2016.

4. Bielski M., Komentarz do art. 202 KK, [w:] A. Zoll (red.), Kodeks karny. Część ogólna. Komentarz do art. 117–277, t. II, Kraków 2008.

5. Bojarski T. [w:] T. Bojarski, E. Kruk, E. Skrętowicz, Postępowanie w sprawach nieletnich. Komentarz, Warszawa 2016.







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