Արդյունաբերության ոլորտում արտադրողականության գնահատման մեթոդաբանական մոտեցումները / Методические подходы к оценке производительности в области промышленности


Avagyan Gayane A.1,Vardanyan Knarik J.1,Mirumyan Aida A.1


1. Armenian State University of Economics, Yerevan, RA


Productivity is an important indicator of economic vitality and progress. Therefore, a quantitative assessment of productivity is a necessity, as it provides a valuable insight into the efficient allocation of resources, as well as the performance of the economy and its individual branches. Productivity assessment can be a guide in the policy-making process, helping to highlight the needs of the sectors that require promotion and filling the gaps. The industry sector is almost always facing the greatest challenges due to its highly competitive nature, the continuous internationalization of raw materials and export markets. The purpose of the research is to interpret and summarize the methodological approaches to productivity assessment in the field of industry, which are discussed in professional platforms and in the literature. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the evaluation methods, the acceptable approaches for the evaluation of the productivity of the sector were distinguished. The article also substantiated the importance of increasing the productivity of the industry from the perspectives of further development of the sector, increasing competitiveness, increasing the volume of export of industrial products.


Public Institute of Political & Social Research of Blacksea-Caspian Region

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