Progress of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure treated with empagliflozin


Raya-Cruz Manuel1,Jurado Javier Gascón1,de la Torre Peregrín Gonzalo Olalla1,Montúfar Nicolás1,Sánchez Agustín Rodríguez1,Delgado Francisco Gómez12


1. Servicio Medicina Interna, Hospital Universitario de Jaén, 23007 Jaén, Spain

2. CIBER Fisiopatologia Obesidad y Nutricion (CIBEROBN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 28029 Madrid, Spain


Aim: To describe the epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics and clinical progress of patients hospitalized with heart failure (HF) who started treatment with empagliflozin before discharge. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational study of patients aged ≥18 years admitted to the Internal Medicine Department of University Hospital Jaen, Jaen, Spain with acute HF between 1 May 2022 and 31 May 2023. Patients had to have a life expectancy of ≥1 year and have started treatment with empagliflozin during admission. Results: We included 112 patients (mean age, 85.2 ± 6.5 years; 67.9% women; 35.7 and 31.3% in NYHA functional classes III and IV; 73.2% with HF and preserved ejection fraction). Before admission, 80.4% were taking loop diuretics, 70.6% renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors, 49.1% betablockers and 25% mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. At admission, 94.6% were taking furosemide (15.2% at high doses, 36.6% at intermediate doses). The dose of furosemide was reduced at initiation of empagliflozin. At the end of follow-up, 13.4% of patients had died, 93.8% of the survivors continued treatment with empagliflozin and 26.8% had attended the emergency department with signs and symptoms of HF. Conclusion: Introduction of empagliflozin before discharge from hospital in patients admitted with HF made it possible to reduce the dose of diuretics during admission. The frequency of complications was as expected, and treatment was largely maintained.


Becaris Publishing Limited







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