1. Kroto Research Institute, Univ. of Sheffield; North Campus, Broad Lane Sheffield S3 7HQ UK
2. Geological Institute, ETH Zürich; 8092 Zürich Switzerland
3. Wageningen Univ.; Droevendaalsesteeg 4 6700 AA Wageningen the Netherlands
4. Institute of Soil Research, Univ. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU); 1190 Vienna Austria
5. Institute for Environment and Sustainability; Joint Research Centre-European Commission; Via Enrico Fermi 2749 I-21027 Ispra Italy
6. Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State Univ.; University Park PA 16802
7. Lab. of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg (LHyGeS); Univ. of Strasbourg; 67084 Strasbourg cedex France
8. Czech Geological Survey; 118 21 Prague 1 Czech Republic
9. Dep. of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment; Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences; SE-750 07 Uppsala Sweden
10. Dep. of Environmental Engineering; Technical Univ. of Crete, Polytechnioupolis; Crete Greece
11. School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Univ. of Iceland; 107 Reykjavík Iceland
12. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology; Environment Centre Wales; Bangor Gwynedd LL57 2UW UK
13. Soil Erosion Dep.; Institute of Soil Science; Sofia 1080 Bulgaria
14. Deltares; P.O. Box 85467 3508 AL Utrecht the Netherlands
15. Dep. of Soil Science; Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100081 China