1. Research Area 1 Landscape FunctioningWorking Group Hydropedology, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)Eberswalder Str. 84D‐15374MünchebergGermany
2. Faculty of Ecological Agriculture, Dep. of Soil ScienceUniv. KasselNordbahnhofstr. 1aD‐37213WitzenhausenGermany
3. RIF–Institut für Forschung und TransferJoseph‐von‐Fraunhofer‐Str. 20D‐44227DortmundGermany
4. Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Dep. of Soil Science and Soil ProtectionCzech Univ. of Life Sciences PragueKamýcká 129CZ‐16521Prague 6Czech Republic