1. More information about the concept of green economy: Information on www.unenvironment.org/resources/publication/shades-green-introduction-green-economy-parliamentarians-issues-brief.
2. Supporting resource efficiency: Information on https://www.unep.org/regions/asia-and-pacific/regional-initiatives/supporting-resource-efficiency.
3. O.V. Portna, N.Yu. Iershova, Eco-management of organizations within the green economy system. Acta Innovations, 35 (2020) 81–94.
4. Analitychnyj ogljad stanu tehnogennoi' ta pryrodnoi' bezpeky v Ukrai'ni za 2016-2019 roky – UkrNDICZ: Information on https://undicz.dsns.gov.ua/ua/Analitichniy-oglyad-stanu-tehnogennoyi-taprirodnoyi-bezpeki-v-Ukrayini.html 2020 [in Ukrainian].
5. J. Hansen, Cleaning up the dirty words of car washing. Modern Car Care. 4(1) (2002).