Determination of Pedestrian LOS for Crosswalks at Intersections - A Case Study in Shivamogga City


Neeraj S.N.1,Sagar H.1,Arun U.1,Anusha M.S.1


1. Jawaharlal Nehru New College of Engineering


The main objective of this research is to identify the variables that affect the level of service (Los) of pedestrians at intersections both (signalized and unsignalized) in shivamogga city. Based on the experiences of the pedestrians at the individual in intersections. A walker’s questionnaire survey was done to gather level of service of pedestrians in terms of protection, comfort, and convenience for every crossing at signalized & unsignalized intersections. Additionally, a video graphic method was employed to scan each crosswalk at the chosen three signalized and two unsignalized intersections. Pedestrian crossing time, pedestrian waiting time, pedestrian holding area, roadway width, and crosswalk surface condition were the key variables taken into account for the construction of the model. For each crossing, a considerable number of pedestrian ratings were collected, these ratings were used as the dependent variables in the analysis. In order to estimate the pedestrian level of service for each intersection's crosswalk, a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis utilizing SPSS software is used to construct a pedestrian Los model.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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