Electrochemical Formation of Aluminum Coagulants for Dairy Wastewater Treatment


Makarov Yevhen1,Andronov Volodymyr1,Danchenko Yuliya2ORCID


1. National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine

2. Lviv State University of Life Safety


Researches of chemical-technological parameters of electrochemical production of aluminum-based coagulants for electrocoagulation wastewater treatment of milk processing enterprises have been carried out. The impact of pH and the timing of the electrocoagulation process was studied in two cases of the implementation of the technological process: with the addition of an alkaline additive before and after the electrocoagulation treatment. The mechanism of the coagulation action of aluminum compounds formed as a result of electrocoagulation has been studied. It has been established that the addition of an alkaline additive after electrocoagulation is more effective. At the same time, the degree of wastewater treatment remains quite high. This will ensure energy savings and will positively affect the environmental and economic assessment of the technology.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science

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