Research and Selection of Optimal Hydrodynamic Parameters of Rotary Cavitation Devices for Processing Oil Blends and Distillates


Lavrova Inna1ORCID,Ammar W.Saeed2,Copylov Sergiy1,Vladymyrenko Vladyslava1,Cherkashina Anna1


1. National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

2. Alkarkh University of Science


This article presents the results of experimental processing of hydrocarbons (petroleum and mixtures based on them) on a laboratory stand. Cavitation treatment was carried out in flow-type rotary-pulsation apparatus with different impeller diameters and rotor rotation frequencies. The aim of the work was to determine the most effective processing mode for oil blends and distillates within the framework of laboratory experiments.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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