1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
This study aims to determine how the effect of inoculation of manganese (FeMn) on the hardness value, the results of microstructure photos, and the results of the Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy, test on gray cast iron material with the addition of 3% FeMn. In this casting process using an induction smelting furnace with a temperature of 1300 – 1400 C the material used for smelting is iron (Fe), melted and then mixed with 3%. FeMn after mixed poured into metal molds and prepared sand. The results of the hardness test showed that the hardness values vary in the upper, lower, and intermediate metal molds. The results of microstructure testing of metal molds, transitional molds, and sand molds at the bottom are the hardest because the graphite is neatly arranged and clearly visible. The results of the Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy test of the Mn element in the metal mold was detected at 3.45% and in the sand mold at 0.00%, the Mn sand mold was actually detected on the graph but did not appear in the data table because it was covered by Fe, C, and Si elements.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd