1. E. Gheorghiosu, A. Kovacs, D. C. Rus, S.O. Bordoş, Development of the testing infrastructure for verification of fireworks categories 1, 2, 3, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 11 No. 7 (2012).
2. Testing report LETI-ÎE no. P 01 / 22. 09. 2011. developed as result of research project financed from State Budget NUCLEU PN 07 45 03 03, Development of infrastructure for testing fireworks in order to verify the essential safety requirements specified in Directive 23/2007/EC, (2010-2012).
3. EN 15947. 4: 2011, Pyrotechnic articles - Fireworks, Categories 1, 2 and 3 – Part 4: Test methods.
4. EN 15947-5: 2011, Pyrotechnic articles – Fireworks Categories 1, 2 and 3 – Part 5: Requirements for construction and performance.
5. Directive 2007/23/EC - Placing on the market of pyrotechnic articles.