Biomechanical Modeling of Human Finger


Radu Panaitescu Liess1


1. Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest


Many of the studies in the biomechanics of the human body made globally focused primarily on hand-arm. This segment of the human body is considered a "gateway" of vibrations to other parts of the body or to internal organs. A long-term exposure to these mechanical vibration (caused by vibrating hand equipment: drill, grinder, etc.) affects the soft tissues and may lead to a dangerous syndrome, that is particularly vibration white finger (VWF), which is narrowing of blood vessels, a phenomenon that in time and untreated can even cause gangrene. This article focuses on a dynamic model with three degrees of freedom of the human finger. Some dynamic characteristics, such as centre of gravity, stiffness and damping, using both a rigid body structure system and computer simulations can be determined after measuring the vibrations.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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