1. Biographical material taken from a news release prepared by Kenneth D. Campbell and posted on the MIT News Office web site, August 20, (2002).
2. Autobiographical material from the �-volume of Adventures in Experimental Physics, edited by Bogdan Maglich (World Science Education, Princeton, 1974) pp.64-127, Discovery of Positronium, with original contributions by Deutsch and Vernon Hughes.
3. Further autobiographical material may be found in Martin Deutschs keynote address to the Sixth International Conference on Positron Annihilation, Arlington, Texas, 1982. [Positron Annihilation, edited by P. G. Coleman, S. C. Sharma and L. M. Diana (North-Holland, 1982) pp.3-8.
4. See the obituary for Martin Deutsch by V. L. Telegdi, Physics Today, October (2003) pp.79-81.
5. R. D. Evans, The Atomic Nucleus (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955).