Dynamic Stability of Multi-Functional Composite Developed for Application in Permanent Way of Prague Underground
Container-title:Key Engineering Materials
Kolář Karel1, Litoš Jiří1, Reiterman Pavel1, Petrtýl Miroslav1
1. Czech Technical University in Prague
There are described properties of hardening multi-functional silicate composite during its long-term dynamical loading in the paper. Studied composite was developed for special application in permanent way structure in Prague underground. Dynamic loading was carried out on the laboratory model, in which the composite was applied as a bench of the rail anchoring. Due to loading in early ages was also studied the option of steel fibers addition. Results obtained confirmed impressive potential for practical use during new tracks construction, and quick repairs as well, because of rapid evolution of mechanical properties and sufficient resistance to dynamic loading. Silicate composite with fibers addition had better mechanical properties, however significant improvement during dynamic loading was not recorded in comparison with the reference mixture without fibers. Generally, new composite material confirmed great potential for practical use in transportation industry.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science
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