1. Narasaraopeta Engineering College
2. Narasaraopeta Engineering College (Autonomous)
The mechanical properties like hardness, machinability and electrical conductivity of nanocomposites are analysed in current work. Inferable from its good castable property, A356 has been picked as matrix material and due to proximity with reference to density; nanosilicon carbide (SiC) is chosen as reinforcement material. A novel technique “Ultrasonic assisted cavitation” is followed for the synthesis of nancomposites for uniform dispersion and better properties. By keeping the size of reinforcement as 50 nm and varying the quantity from 0.1 to 0.5 by wt%; it is perceived that the hardness & drill thrust forces are increased and electrical conductivity is decreased when equated to pure alloy.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Reference18 articles.
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