1. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Doctorate Thesis, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, In preparation for presentation.
2. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Proceedings of the 9th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Edited by Neal Juster and Andrzej Rosochowski, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Publishing House Akapit, Kraków, Poland (2006) p.163.
3. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Editor: Prof. D. BANABIC, Cluj Napoca, Romania. The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (2005) 603-606.
4. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, ICSAM 2003, Edited by R. I. Todd, Mater. Sci. Forum Vols. 447-448 (2004) p.85.
5. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, CP712, American Institute of Physics, USA (2004) pp.1601-1606.