On the Phenomenology and Mechanics of Super Plastic Flow in Advanced Structural Materials


Muñoz-Andrade Juan Daniel1


1. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco


In connection with ancient and recent view on cosmology, it is interesting to note that our universe could be a spherical crystal and it moves as a crystal in a relative position with others spherical universes, where the Burgers vector for cellular dislocations dynamics is the Hubble length: λH=1.32x1026m. The expansion process of this polycrystalline spatially extended system obey the hyperbolic granular flow, which it is due to an accelerated motion manifested during the deformation process of super plastic advanced structural universes in a similar behaviour of super plastic advanced structural materials. Consequently, in this work the phenomenology and mechanics of super plastic flow are analyzed in the context of the unified interpretation of Hubble flow, plastic flow and super plastic flow, where the combination of fundamentals constants with the natural Planck length, allows obtain in a closed agreement with the Orowan equation the magnitude of the nature Burgers vector of dislocation in the cosmic structure for the universe as follow: 1.62 10 . 35 3 0 x m c H G b P − ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ = = = = h λ ρ ν Where, b⊥ = magnitude of the nature Burgers vector for the universe (b⊥ = 1.62x10-35m), λP = Planck length (λP = 1.62x10-35m), H0 = the Hubble parameter (H0=70 (km/sec)/Mpc = 2.26854593 x10-18s-1), ρ⊥ = dislocation density (ρ⊥ = 1.273x1011 dislocations/m2) in the universe. ν⊥ = the recession velocity of galaxies related with dislocations dynamics in the cosmic structure (ν⊥ = 1100x103 m/s, it is the recession velocity of the Virgo super cluster at 16 Mpc distance). h = h / 2π . Here h = the Planck constant (h = 6.6262x10-34 Joule-s), G = the Newtonian constant (G = 6.67259x10-11 m3/kg s2) and c = the speed of light (c = 299 792 458 m/s) [1-3].


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,Condensed Matter Physics,General Materials Science

Reference15 articles.

1. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Doctorate Thesis, Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, In preparation for presentation.

2. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Proceedings of the 9th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Edited by Neal Juster and Andrzej Rosochowski, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Publishing House Akapit, Kraków, Poland (2006) p.163.

3. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Proceedings of the 8th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Editor: Prof. D. BANABIC, Cluj Napoca, Romania. The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (2005) 603-606.

4. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, ICSAM 2003, Edited by R. I. Todd, Mater. Sci. Forum Vols. 447-448 (2004) p.85.

5. J. D. Muñoz-Andrade, CP712, American Institute of Physics, USA (2004) pp.1601-1606.

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