1. L.F. Mondolfo : Aluminum Alloy: Structure and Properties, Butterworth & Co., London, (1976).
2. J.B. Andrews, M.V.C. Seneviratne : AFS Transactions, Vol. 92, (1984), 209.
3. J.E. Gruzleski and B.M. Closset : The Treatment of Liquid Aluminum-Silicon Alloys", American Foundarymen, s Society, Inc. Des Plaines, Illinois, U.S.A., (1990), 19.
4. B.M. Closset and J.E. Gruzleski : Metall. Trans. A, Vol. 13A, (1982), 945.
5. R. S. Richards and Rostoker : The Thirty-Seventh Annual Convection of the Society, held in Philadelphia, October (1955), 17.