1. J. K. Tien and R. P. Gamble : Metall. Trans A, 3A(1972), p.2157.
2. M. V. Nathal and L. J. Ebert : Metall. Trans A. 16A(1985), p.427.
3. D. D. Pearson, F. D. Lemkey and B. H. Kear : Proc. of the 4 th Int'l Conf. Superalloys 1980, (1980), p.513.
4. M. V. Nathal, R. A. MacKay and R. V. Miner : Metall. Trans A, 20A(1989), p.133.
5. Y. Kondo, N. Kitazaki, J. Namekata, N. Ohi and H. Hattori : Proc. of the 8 th Int'l Conf. Superalloys 1996, (1996), p.297.