1. Information on https://rheinfelden-alloys.eu/en/alloys/magsimal/.
2. Information on https://foundry-planet.com/d/alu-rheinfelden/.
3. R. Cook, P. G. Groock, P. M. Thomas, D. V. Edmonds, J. D. Hunt: Development of the twin-roll casting process, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 55(2) (1995) 76-84.
4. M. Cortes, Pechiney- Jumbo 3 CM super ((R)) the new demands of thin strip casting, Light Met. (1995) 1161-1164.
5. B. Taraglio, C. Romanowski, Thin-gage/high-speed roll casting technology for foil production, Light Met. (1995) 1165-1182.