1. A.Y. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
The paper analyzes Poisson’s ratios μ0=μ100,001=-s12/s11 and elastic anisotropy factor A'=s/s11 (s=s11-s12-s44/2) for single crystal materials of binary and three-component TiNi-TiFe alloys with gradually deteriorating resistance first to one B2-R and further to two martensite transformations B2-R-B19'. The study discusses a ratio H/E of TiNi-TiFe alloys both subject and not exposed to martensite transformations. Surprisingly, this ratio exceeds 0.035 for alloys with martensite transformations, being far higher than in the majority of metals and alloys.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science
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