Evaluation Use of Calliandra calothyrsus Substituted Soybean Meal Supplement on Feed Nutrient Intake and Digestibility in the Kacang Goat


Atmojo Fajar Ajimukti1,Suhartanto Bambang1,Zulfa Insani Hubi1,Kustantinah Kustantinah1


1. Universitas Gadjah Mada


Twenty goats were given a basal feed of Pennisetumpurpureum cv Mott (odot grass) and supplemented with protein-based feed ingredients namely calliandracalothyrsus and soybeanmeal (SBM). The proportion of calliandra feed substitution and soybeanmeal is T1 = odot grass (ad libitum) + 100% soybeanmeal; T2 = odot grass (ad libitum) + 25% calliandra + 75% soybeanmeal; T3 = odot grass (ad libitum) + 50% calliandra + 50% soybeanmeal; T4 = odot grass (ad libitum) + 75% calliandra + 25% soybeanmeal; and T5 = odot grass (ad libitum) + 100% calliandra. The amount of feed supplementation given is based on daily protein requirements (gram/DM) per day according to animal body weight. The feed given contained iso protein (CP) and iso energy (TDN) to determine the effect of substitution of soybeanmeal with calliandra The parameters observed were intake and nutrient digestibility of feed. Data obtained from the results of the study analyzed variance using a one-way analysis of variance, then if the results show significant differences, it will be analyzed further with Duncan's new multiple range test. The results showed that substitution of calliandra did not have a significant effect (P> 0.05) on nutrient intake (g/kg BB0,75/day), except for intake of ETN, it shows a significant effect (P< 0.05). Calliandra substitution had a significant effect (P<0.05) on feed nutrient digestibility, with the highest digestibility being T2 treatment (25% calliandra substitution).


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science








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