1. FCT Ingenieurkeramik GmbH
During the last years large efforts were made, to get able to supply large and complex components
made of gas pressure sintered silicon nitride. This opened new applications for such ceramic
materials in ambient and very harsh environment and generated new markets for ceramic producers.
The paper presents, a newly developed rapid prototyping routine for complex components as well as
the properties of corresponding materials. Components for innovative avionic and space
applications, dynamic materials testing, liquid metal processing, metal forming and mechanical
engineering are shown. Not only unique properties of the material itself, but also newly developed
and adopted shaping and machining technologies for this specific ceramics have let to highly valued
Due to its very specific set of material properties, silicon nitride has gained a lot of interest. New
approaches in technical equipment were undertaken with corresponding research. However, except
of seals, bearings and cutting tools, none of all expected high volume applications is industrialized.
On the other side, a lot of less spectacular applications are state of the art today. They have opened a
wide field for niche products and lead to technical solutions with less wear and corrosion but
improved products.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Reference2 articles.
1. K. Berroth, T. Prescher, J. Schubert, Silicon nitride based ceramics for Foundry application, proceedings of 3rd DRACHE conference Casting Technologies, 2005, Lahnstein.
2. K. Berroth, G. Wötting, H.U. Kessel, W. Martin, "Neue Anwendungen und Potential für Komponenten aus Siliziumkarbid und Siliziumnitrid, cfi/Ber. DKG, 84, 2007, No. 4.
Cited by
15 articles.