1. ShanghaI UnIversIty of EngIneerIng ScIence
2. ShanghaI ElectrIc Power DesIgn InstItute CO.,LTD
More and more distributed generations are interconnected to distribution network. Its operation state should be evaluated comprehensively and effectively. This paper gives index of each level to judge interconnecting operation through comparing guides of interconnecting distributed resources with electric power system in different countries. A comprehensive and complete evaluation model based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Synthetically Evaluating Method is proposed. The index weights are set through analyzing the relationship between each index, while certainties and uncertainties are described by setting membership grade. Finally, a demonstration is given and reasonable analysis results are attained, thus the feasibility and efficiency of the model that might be conductive to the description of interconnecting distributed resources with electric power system are verified.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.