1. University of Rajshahi
Facile synthesis of completely inorganic Zinc oxide-Copper oxide (ZnO-CuO) based bulk heterojunction solar cells (BHJSCs) along with the impact of the film thickness on the different properties like morphological, structural, chemical, optical and electrical have been reported in this work. A simple spin-coating technique was used to fabricate the BHJSC. The elemental presence of ZnO and CuO with wurtzite and cubic phase was confirmed by EDX and XRD analysis correspondingly. The surface quality, optical transmittance and the resistivity of spin-coated BHJ films decrease with increasing the the film thickness revealed by morphological, optical and electrical study respectively. The photovoltaic parameters of FTO/ZnO-CuO/Al heterostructure SC like efficiency η, current density Jsc and fill factor also decreased conspicuously, whereas the open circuit voltage was found to increase conversly. Moreover, experimental outcomes indicate, the thickness of the film has inescapable impact on inorganic BHJSCs performances and must take in consideration during cell fabrication.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.