Among various composites available for use, carbon fiber reinforced composite is unique in its Nature. Carbon fiber is an extremely strong thin fiber made by pyrolyzing synthetic fibers, such as rayon, until charred. High Strength Composites are made from this fiber by using appropriate matrix material mostly Epoxy resins are used. High Strength, stiffness, light weight and high thermal conductivity are the main advantages over the other composites. Making products with one single composite sheet is not possible always. Some of the intricate or complex shape making is required for joining of two composite sheet. The composites joining can be done in three ways mainly Adhesive, Riveting and Hybrid. Based on the Review among all these joints adhesive joining gives better economic solution in joining. Experimental results point to significant influence of fibre on mechanical properties of sample. The tensile test of the acoustic signal emission (AE) to identify the current state of material integrity in real time. Acoustic system signal correlated to damage events. The carbon fiber composite characteristic failure mechanisms are initiated on the microscale and result in a spontaneous release of elastic energy in terms of mechanical stress waves, the so-called acoustic emissions.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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