1. Nankai University
2. Tianjin University of Technology
In this paper, the adsorption and decolorization capability of expanded graphite (EG) on the simulated wastewater containing Acid Orange Ⅱwere studied. The experimental results show that the initial concentration of wastewater, the dosage of EG, the pH value and the temperature all have greater effects on the decolorization ratio of simulated Acid Orange Ⅱ wastewater. The dye- wastewater containing lower concentration(<150 mg/L) of Acid Orange Ⅱ is more suitable to be treated by EG, and approximately 100 mg/L is the preferable concentration. The decolorization ratio increases with the increment of the dosage of EG and the temperature level, but the growth rate obviously decreases at the higher initial concentration. All the decolorization ratios under strong acidic (pH<5) and alkalic (pH>11) conditions are higher than that at the range of 5-11 pH values, the highest value even reaches over 94%, while the decolorization ratio under the latter conditions are only between 75% and 85%.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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