1. Sibirsky State Industrial University
2. Siberian Physico-technical Institute
3. Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
4. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The results of the analysis of phase equilibria ordered phases in binary systems based on palladium Pd-Me (Me = Co, Rh, Ir, Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pt) are set out to search for correlations and crystal-chemical and crystal geometric factors. It is found that the packing factor in disordered solid solutions in binary systems based on Pd is close to the value of 0.74 on a background of a slight deviation from the atomic volumes Xena. It is revealed that increasing of the hydrogen permeability in Cu-Pd binary alloys correlates with significant reduction of the packing factor in B2 ordered phase in the range of 40 at.% Pd. It is found that various structural-phase states are formed in Pd-Me binary systems with certain combinations of temperature and size factors.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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2 articles.