1. A. G. Metcalfe, in: The Interfaces in Metal Matrix Composites, Vol. 1, edited by A. G. Metcalfe Academic Press, NY (1974) p.112.
2. N. Chawla, K.K. Chawla: Metal Matrix Composites, (Springer, New York 2006).
3. S. Suresh, A. Mortensen, and A. Needleman: Fundamentals of Metal-Matrix Composites (Butterworth-Heinemann, USA 1993).
4. A. A. Deribas: Hardening Physics and Explosive Welding, Nauka (1972) p.221 [in Russian].
5. B. Crossland: Explosive Welding of Metals and its Application (Clarendon press, Oxford 1982).