1. L.A. Suleymanova, V.S. Lesovik, K.R. Kondrashev, K.A. Suleymanov, N.P. Lukuttsova, Energy efficient technologies of production and use non-autoclaved aerated concrete, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 5 (2015) 12399-12406.
2. L.A. Suleymanova, K.А. Kara, K.A. Suleymanov, A.V. Pyrvu, D.D. Netsvet, N.P. Lukuttsova, The topology of the dispersed phase in gas concrete, Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 10 (2013) 1492-1498.
3. N. Lukuttsova, A. Pykin, Y. Kleymenicheva, A. Suglobov, R. Efremochkin, Nano-additives for composite building materials and their environmental safety, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 11 (2016) 7561-7565.
4. L. Evelson, N. Lukuttsova, Application of statistical and multi-fractal models for parameter optimization of nanomodified concrete, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 5 (2015) 12363-12370.
5. L. Evelson, N. Lukuttsova, Some practical aspects of fractal simulation of structure of nano-modified concrete, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 19 (2015) 40454-40456.