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3. V.V. Aksenov, V. Yu. Sadovets, G.D. Buyalich, V. Yu. Beglyakov, Ledge effect on VAT of face zone of mine working, J. Mining information-analytical bulletin (scientific and technical journal). 12, 2 (2011) 55-67.
4. V.V. Aksenov, А.B. Efremenkov, V. Yu. Sadovets, Е.V. Resanova, Design of innovative tools to form underground space, J. Bulletin of Kuzbass State Technical University. 1 (2010) 42-47.
5. V.V. Aksenov, V. Yu. Sadovets, Modeling characteristics of geokhod kinematics, J. Bulletin of Kuzbass State Technical University. 6 (2006) 37-39.