1. T. Kałdoński, K. Krzemiński and E. Szczawnicka: Application of α-BN boron nitride for lubrication of sliding bearings (Proceedings of Science-Technical Conference Engineering bearings '96, Gdańsk 1996), pp.199-203, (in Polish).
2. T. Kałdoński: Influence of boron nitride on using properties grease for sliding bearings, (Tribology No 5 - 6, 1997), pp.640-646, (in Polish).
3. T. Kałdoński: Influence of grease and boron nitride on self - lubricating mechanism of porous bearing (Tribology No 5 - 6, 1997), pp.647-652, (in Polish).
4. T. Kałdoński: Complex self - lubricating mechanism of porous bearings (Proceedings of VIII Congress of Technical Devices, Krynica 1997), (in Polish).
5. T. Kałdoński: Complex self - lubricating mechanism of porous bearings - two models (Tribology, No 5 - 6, 1997), pp.653-657, (in Polish).