1. “V. Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Different high-strength, all-ceramic restorative systems are available for the restoration of endodontically treated roots. To date, many studies on fracture strength and fracture pattern have been conducted. Most of these studies focused on investigating stress distribution in the root dentin of abutment teeth restored with a post and core system. The objective of this study was to evaluate, by means of the finite element analysis, stresses induced in an endodontically treated maxillary central incisor that was restored with different all-ceramic systems during contacts with the antagonists. The first step of the study was to achieve 3D models in order to design and analyze teeth, all ceramic post and core systems and pressed ceramic crowns. Stress analysis was performed on the restored incisor during protrusion. As post and core materials pressed ceramics and zirconia were chosen, and for the full crown pressed ceramics was selected. Maximal equivalent stresses were recorded in the tooth structures and in the restorations for all contact areas. In the zirconia post and core systems stresses were higher than in the pressed ceramics post and core systems. The use of zirconia posts with a higher modulus of elasticity than pressed ceramics induce lower stresses in the dentin and higher in the crown than pressed ceramics posts.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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