1. Hajo A. Reijers, Minseok Song, Heidi Romero, et al.: A Collaboration and Productiveness Analysis of the BPM Community, in: 7th International Conference on Business Process Management, , edited by D. Umeshwar, E. Johann, pp.1-14, Springer (2009).
2. Object Management Group: DTC/2008-01-17 Business Process Modeling Notation (OMG, USA, 2008).
3. Workflow Management Coalition: WFMC-TC-1025 Process Definition Interface – XML Process Definition Language (WfMC, USA, 2008).
4. TIBCO: TIBCO Business Studio", http: /developer. tibco. com/business_studio.
5. Microsoft: Windows Workflow Foundation, http: /www. microsoft. com/visualstudio/en-us/products/ 2010-editions.