Numerical Investigation of Fluid-Structure Thermal Coupling under the Transient Flow Effect


Oudrane Abdellatif1,Aour Benaoumeur1,Hamouda Messaoud2


1. National Polytechnic School of Oran-Maurice Audin (ENPO-MA)

2. Ahmed Draia University


This work is based on a numerical study of the fluid-structure thermal coupling in a concrete slab intended for habitable heating. A rectangular cross-section pipe in which a hot fluid flow is installed in this concrete slab. The Navier-Stokes equations that govern this flow have been solved numerically. To this end, these equations have been discretized by an implicit finite difference method. The systems of algebraic equations thus obtained have been solved by the Gauss and Thomas algorithms. The conduction equation in the concrete slab was solved using the same methodology as that of flow. In fact, we have based on an algorithm that makes an unsteady solid medium interact with a fluid medium consisting of permanent states series while ensuring the equality of fluxes and temperatures on the common interface between both media at every moment. The numerical simulation of heat transfer and the thermal behavior of the heating slab were analyzed for different parameters influencing thermal diffusion. The results obtained by the numerical model adopted for the control of the fluid-structure coupling are in good agreement with those of the literature results.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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