1. Harbin University of Science and Technology
2. Jilin Aviation Maintenance Limited Liability Company
0.7BaO·0.3SrO·0.3Nb2O5·0.7TiO2 (SBN/BST) composite ceramics werefabricated using a Powder-Sol (P-S) method with Nb2O5fine powder suspended in the barium strontium titanate (abbreviated as BST) solsolution. By X-ray diffraction (XRD) investigations, it is found that thetetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) phase and perovskite phase were co-present incompositions. The average grain size of BST and SBN phase is 140 nm and 2.2 μm,respectively. The room temperature relative dielectric constant is 1445 forthis sample measured at 1 kHz and zero bias. In the room temperature, thepyroelectric coefficient of the 0.7BaO·0.3SrO·0.3Nb2O5·0.7TiO2is 39 nc/cm2·°C. The maximum value of FDis about 2.4×10-5 Pa-1/2at 45°C.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.