1. Wuhan University of Technology
The large wireless sensor networks are often structured hierarchically by grouping nodes into different domains in order to deal with the scaling problem. This paper proposes a new protocol called hierarchical QoS routing protocol (HQRP) that achieves scalability by organizing the network as a hierarchy of domains using the full-mesh aggregation technique. In HQRP, each local node just only needs to maintain local routing and summary information of other domains, but does not requires any global states maintained. The HQRP uses a Reverse Best Metric Path Forwarding approach with hierarchical, topological and QoS forwarding conditions to construct the multicast tree while minimizing message overhead and satisfying delay-bandwidth and minimum energy consumption. The paper presents proof of correctness and complexity analysis of the HQRP. Simulation results show very good performance in terms of success ratio and message overhead.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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