1. N.G. Hurley, J.R. Hartley, K. Dunleavy, J.D. Balls, E-Business and ERP. Transforming the Enterprise, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. (2000) 12-24.
2. Information on http: /www. umsl. edu/~sauterv/analysis/erp_paper. html#part1.
3. Information on http: /www. apics. org/Resources/APICSDictionary. htm.
4. B.J. Finch, OperationsNow. com: Process, Value and Profitability, The McGraw Hill. New York. (2003) 243-258.
5. S.M. Aghasadeh, MRP Contributes to a Company's Profitability. Assembly Automation, 23 (2003)257-266.