Study on the Capacity Increasing and Dam Heighten of Plain Reservoirs


Song Xiu Guang1,Zhou Zhi Dong1,Zhang Hong Bo1,Yue Hong Ya1


1. Shandong University


In order to solve the problem of differential settlement, seepage flow and stability between the new and old dam boundary in capacity increasing of the plain reservoirs, the comparative analysis on the stability of the dam slope with different methods on dealing with the new and old dam boundary was performed by numerical simulation with FLAC3D. The result shows that combining the new and old dam by using geogrid indicates superiority for reducing differential settlement, improving the dam stability and safety, etc. In the meantime, on the basis of actual site investigation and theoretical analysis, combined with the requirements of design, construction and management in capacity increasing of the plain reservoirs, the key construction technology was put forward and widely applied foreground, which can improve the quality of the construction, reduce engineering disease and provide references for capacity increasing engineering of in plain reservoirs.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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