Analysis of Fuel Properties Effects on Flame Radiation in a Gas Turbine Combustor


Wang Cheng Jun1,Xin Xin1,Jiang Ping1,Zeng Wen1


1. Shenyang Aerospace University


The influence of fuel properties on flame radiation transfer was investigated with numerical method under certain combustor fuel-air ratio and inlet air temperature in a gas turbine combustor. The numerical results show that the fuel properties affected the fuel pulverization quality, evaporation efficiency and combustion efficiency, which caused the flame temperature and its distribution change. Meanwhile, it has an effect on the formation and concentration distribution of soot, resulting in the changes of inner flame radiation heat flux and temperature caused by flame emitting radiation. Furthermore, the gas temperature change caused by the fuel properties more but the hydrogen content effect is relatively small, has an influence on the generation of NO which caused the change of the combustion efficiency.


Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.

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