1. Khatsayuk М. Yu. Induction unit with MHD impact in the process of preparation and pouring of highly-alloyed aluminum alloys. Thesis of Ph. D in Engineering Science: 05. 09. 01 / М. Yu. Khatsayuk. - Krasnoyarsk. - 2013. - 154 pp.
2. Pat. 2477193 RF, МПК B 22 D 11/01, B 22 D 27/02. Method for production an ingot from non-ferrous alloys / М. Yu Khatsayuk, М. V. Pervukhin, В. N. Timofeev, N. V. Sergeev, R. М. Khristinich. - Published 2013. Bul. № 7.
3. Landau, L. D. Theoretical physics: theory of field / L. D. Landau, Е. М. Lifschitz. - М.: FIZMATLIT. - 2003. - 536 pp.
4. Landau, L. D. Theoretical physics: hydrodynamics / L. D. Landau, Е. М. Lifschitz. - М.: FIZMATLIT. - 2001. - 736 pp.
5. State Registration Certificate of the program for ECM # 2011619130. Program pf import and interpolation of source members of the movement and energy equations to solve 3D equations in FLUENT/ M. Yu. Khatsayuk, М. V. Pervukhin. – Register. 24. 11. 2011.