1. Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi-Romania
In this paper we will elaborate a statistic analysis on the main parameters which influence the tribologic depositions process of thin TiN layers. The deposition of tribologic layers will be executed on the axes of the supercharging turbines at the automobiles made of C120, the maximum allowed thickness being of 1÷1,5μm. The main stages of the TiN coating operation are washing and drying conditions which we relate to adhesion layer deposited titanium and titanium coating process, the process consists of important elements of the TiN coating (Electron heating time-Argon plasma, electron temperature, plasma heating argon for Bias voltage ramp., Bias voltage temperature ramp., temperature ion cleaning time for coating titanium pressure nitrogen nitrogen temperature) relative to the thickness of the deposited titanium. The operation of coating with a layer of TiN will be done on a DREVA 400 machine at S.C. “Rulmenti” S.A. Barlad. The statistical analysis of the parameters will be done using the Minitab 14 software.
Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
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